"You strike me as a dabbler."
Nailed it.
That's me.
I dabble.
I'm a dabbler.
Case in point: Two years ago I was on fire. I was eating a Whole Food Plant Based diet and had lost 30 lbs. I was shedding medication too. And my blood sugar numbers had improved dramatically. Then it happened. Like the dogs in "Up", I got distracted. But it wasn't a squirrel that caught my fancy.
I'm trying to figure out how not to be a dabbler.
I've noticed that other grown-up people seem determined to become Masters of their endeavors. Like the pioneers of space, they climb in their rocket ship, execute liftoff and stay with it until they no longer feel the effects of gravity. Dabblers go at things somewhat differently. After the thrill of lift-off they think to themselves, "I'd like to try hang gliding."
I've tried living the WFPB way three times now. Each time the pattern has pretty much been the same:
1) Lose weight
2) reduce medication
3) feel great
4) commence dabbling
The question on my mind now is "How good is this lifestyle if I can't live it consistently?"
And yet, here I go again. And here's hoping that diabetes and dabblerism are both curable.