Breaking Away from Diabetes and Conventional wisdom
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 12 years ago. Since that time I have been evaluated by six or seven different doctors. Never, in all my conversations with all those doctors, was I told, "Brian, you can get off your medication and reverse the symptoms of diabetes by changing your diet." Not one time.
If nutrition ever came up it was to say that a better diet would help the medication "control" my diabetes. Keep it from raging out of control. Other than that the sum total of my interaction with doctors has been an exercise in increasing dosages and adding new medications. This is a pretty typical scenario for diabetics in America.
To be fair to everyone of those doctors - good, competent and decent people all - I was not a compliant patient. My diabetes was uncontrolled. I can well imagine the futility with which they regarded someone like me. Perhaps they
did talk themselves blue in the face to several patients before I darkened their door. By the time I came around I was just one more hopeless case.
But it's hard for me not to be a little angry at their lack of evangelizing. Did they just not believe I could do it? Did they want to avoid an uncomfortable conversation? Or did they, the doctors, those near demigods to most of us, just
not know that eating a whole food plant based diet could reverse diabetic symptoms and eliminate the need for most it not all of my medicine.
Perhaps its all of these things. But it's certainly the latter. I broached the subject with a couple of them. One told me he did not believe eliminating animal products had anything to do with lowering blood sugar. The other was incredulous. She asked what in the world I was reading and tried to set me straight. Medication was the answer, she said.
There are reasons for these doctors' reactions which I won't get into in detail for now. Suffice it to say a) doctors get reimbursed for prescribing pills and procedures, not consultations. b) most docs are limited to 15-20 minutes with each patient. c) Most medical schools in America teach nothing or at least very little about nutrition. And finally, d) many of those same medical schools are funded by pharmaceutical companies. (for more info on this read the books suggested below)
But for those struggling with type 2 diabetes (or heart disease, or any life threatening disease), do yourself a favor. Go watch Forks Over Knives.
Here's a powerful testimonial from a physician who was as unhealthy as his patients. All the major diseases ran in his family. He moved to a whole food plant based diet and changed his life.
That's a good place to get started. Then you can read Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes. Put The China Study on your list and you'll see this is rigorous science not the latest health rage.
Right now I'm reading "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger. Get on his email list. You'll get his video series from He'll explain how a plant based diet can prevent and even reverse all the major diseases.
This particular video is about the effect of a plant based diet on a group of diabetics who had elevated A1c numbers.
Heres a little teaser.
These colors represent (from bottom to top) non-diabetic, pre-diabetic, and uncontrolled diabetes. The vertical numbers are the 13 patients A1c numbers. The horizontal numbers are the number of months each patient participated. |
Here you can see where each patient was on the diabetic scale. A few are pre diabetic. Most are struggling with uncontrolled diabetes. A couple of guys and gals are way up there in the rarified air I once occupied. |
With an average of 7 months of eating a plant based diet every single patient left the realm of uncontrolled diabetes. Many actually got into the non-diabetic zone, including the two who were the worst off. (Dr. Greger is careful to mention that this graph only shows those who stayed on the diet. Some, evidently, found it to difficult. That's a topic for another time.) |

But most of all, I'm here to tell you from my personal experience that it works. Everytime I undertake it in earnest, it drives my blood sugar down and I begin to shed pounds and medication.
And here's the biggest surprise of all. The food tastes great! The food I use to eat was like a bad movie, loaded with over the top elements. Sure it was thrilling for the moment, but in the end it left me uninspired. Today my food is more like one of my all time favorites.
Breaking Away. Everything about it inspires me. And if you're in the grip of uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease, the title is appropriate for what eating a whole food plant based diet will do for you.
Be a Cutter. Cut your medication in half. Cut it out of your life altogether. |
Dad: What is this?
Mom: It's sautéed zucchini.
Dad: It's I-tey food. I don't want no I-tey food.
Mom: It's not. I got it at the A&P. It's like...squash.
Dad: I know I-tey food when I hear it. It's all them "eenie" foods. Zucchini. Linguine. And fettuccini. I want some American food, dammit! I want french fries!